From the architect Neal Schwartz “We worked with Andre Caradec of S/U/M to develop the guardrail installation of our Sky | House renovation. Beginning with the agenda to direct and control the perception of the viewer as they ascend and descend through the space (as well as the client’s fascination with traditional patterned and woven forms), we proposed a highly crafted piece, animated through movement and view.”
Important to the process was to give the client the ability to interface with the development of the overall effect of the installation. The development of the pattern was an iterative design process. We collaborated with Andrew Kudless to help develop a computer script that would enable us to quickly move through a series of analogue and digital prototypes to hone the overall effect sought by the client. Smoothing algorithms where applied to the final version to reach the clients desired effect.
“The resulting form is digitally milled from solid stock and installed with a series of concealed supports at the points of least perforation.”